Stockwell Academy

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust




At Stockwell Academy it is our aim that all children transition to year seven with skills, knowledge and understanding through our encouragement for them to have a sense of awe and wonder about the world around them and our celebration of their inquisitive minds. We will provide a high-quality science education embedded with meaningful lessons which will encourage motivation, curiosity and excitement about their learning. Through harnessing the natural curiosity of children in the Early Years Foundation Stage and ensuring that our children acquire scientific knowledge and be able to retain what they know and recall what they’ve learnt in subsequent year groups. Thus, becoming more knowledgeable and independent in their learning as they move through the key stages. Learning opportunities will enable all children to work collaboratively, apply their reading, writing and speaking skills to raise questions and make observations, methodically plan and safely carrying out investigations.  On their transition to Key Stage Three our children will have the resilience and confidence to independently initiate scientific enquiry and investigation. We want to prepare our children for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world today and in the future, and to promote a love of science and inspire them to consider future careers in science. We will increase pupil’s scientific knowledge and develop pupil’s working scientifically skills which they will carry with them for life. Pupil’s science capital and links with careers will be identified and our children will understand the opportunities available to each and every one of them.


The Stockwell Approach to Teaching 

At  Stockwell Academy we base our teaching on the Programmes of Study for Key Stage 1 and 2 as specified in the Primary National Curriculum. EYFS use statements from the Development Matters curriculum and will look for opportunities to show the children when they are being scientist. Staff will use carefully chosen language to encourage science-based behaviours and will encourage the children to explore the world around them. The programmes of study describe a sequence of knowledge and concepts. The science curriculum has clear progression documents which have been adapted to meet the needs of our pupils. Science leaders across all schools have contributed to the further development of these documents and they continue to be a working document. The documents also identify opportunities for science to take place outside of the classroom. Where possible, staff are encouraged to make use of natural environments within the local area such as the woodland area that surrounds our school. This is an area our school is committed to development to improve experience for children, due to the city location of our school. MTP’s have been developed for all year groups and lessons suggested, however, staff have the freedom to deliver science in creative and engaging ways and are encouraged to make use of a variety of resources that are available in school. At the start of every unit, prior learning is recapped. Children will carry out a pre-learning assessment exercise which shows what they know and provides an opportunity to ask questions about the subject before they begin the unit. Vocabulary is a clear focus and key vocabulary is recapped so that the learning sticks. All lessons are sequential, build on prior learning and work towards a final presentation of learning through the post learning assessment exercise. Children are encouraged to identify the five key areas of working scientifically and are encouraged to explain the key disciplinary skills needed in order to be a successful scientist. For all concepts in each year group, planning documents have fingertip facts which provide staff with the key learning required for the unit. This includes prior and post learning. It is expected that all children will be able to recall those facts at the end of the unit and beyond. Major events such as Science and Engineering week are celebrated within school to further raise the profile of Science. When possible, to encourage cultural capital, children are exposed to a variety of professionals within the world of Science and are provided with opportunities to learn more about specific sectors. Parents are regularly invited in to share and further encourage a passion for Science within the community.


Further Information 

Please find our long term plan below: 

Long Term Plan - Science

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