School Meals / HCAT Catering
Charges for School Lunches
Main School
Key Stage 1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) continue to receive FREE school meals.
Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) the cost of a school meal is £1.50 per child per day
Children in Nursery (FS1) will be charged £3.00 for lunchtime supervision and £1.00 for school lunch per day. £4 per child per day
School Menus
School Menus
All our menus are based on The School Food Standards. By following these standards, the aim is for children to develop healthy eating habits which will ensure they get the energy and nutrition they need to learn and to grow. Please find our current menus below.
HCAT Autumn Menu Week 1
download_for_offlineHCAT Autumn Menu Week 1
- HCAT Autumn Menu Week 2 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineHCAT Autumn Menu Week 2
Payment of School Meals
School payments using ParentPay
Please use ParentPay to make all payments. This system gives you a more convenient, secure and flexible way to make payments to school online. By making cashless payments you know that your money has reached the school safely. You can pay online using a debit or credit card.
Please ask at the school office to find out how to register. If you are already registered, please click on the link below to enter the website:
Free school meals
Many of our families could get Free School Meals but do not claim for them; your child may be entitled to Free School Meals if you as the parent are in receipt of any of the following benefits:
- Income Support
- Jobseeker’s Allowance (income based)
- Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit (but NOT Working Tax Credit)
Why claim?
- Save hundreds of pounds per year
- Extra funding for the school in the form of Pupil Premium
- It’s your entitlement
- No downside
- Other pupils and parents will not know you are claiming
To Claim for Free School Meals
Please click on the link below to claim for free school meals. Hard copy application forms are also available from the school office.
Information about Free School Meals – Hull City Council
Food Intolerances & Allergies
If a child has a known food intolerance e.g. gluten, or an allergy to a specific food e.g. nuts, it is vital the school is kept informed. In the first instance parents should speak to the school office staff who will ensure that the child’s information is circulated to the necessary staff and the school cook.
It can also be arranged for the parent to speak to the school cook as in most cases they will be able to cater for a child’s specific needs without them requiring a totally different meal to the other children.
It is also important that all staff are aware of any intolerances/allergies as the child may be involved in cooking or an activity involving food during the school day
- HCAT Autumn Menu Week 2 download_for_offline