The PSHE association states “PSHE education is a school curriculum subject in England that helps children and young people stay healthy, safe and prepared for life – and work – in modern Britain. When taught well, PSHE education also helps pupils to achieve their academic potential.”
Our curriculum supports children’s development as human beings, to enable them to understand and respect who they are, to empower them with a voice and to equip them for life and learning. We include the statutory Relationships and Health Education within our whole-school PSHE curriculum. To ensure progression we use Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE, as our chosen teaching and learning programme and tailor it to children’s needs. At Stockwell Academy we are passionate about working together with colleagues, pupils, and the wider community to help make a difference in the lives of our young people. We are committed to giving all pupils the support, care, and guidance they need in a non-judgemental manor, giving them opportunities to gain the ability to cope with challenges in their lives and make contributions to their community. We aim to ‘live’ what is learnt and apply it to everyday situations in the school community.
The Stockwell Approach to Teaching
We have chosen to use the jigsaw curriculum to teach our children PSHE. The curriculum is carefully planned to ensure all aspects of PSHE are covered over the school year to ensure children at Stockwell have a good understanding of the society they live in and how to become a good citizen. The various teaching and learning activities are engaging and are flexible to differentiate to suit all children’s learning styles. Lessons include mindfulness activities and lots of reflection times to help children reflect on their own learning from the lessons. All children are taught the same topic each term, with lessons differentiated to meet every child’s needs. This helps to have a whole school approach throughout the year in this subject. The curriculum is also covered across all aspects of daily life in our school, including assemblies, playtimes and community events. We also provide children with specialist intervention groups to support children’s individual PSHE needs.
Jigsaw Jenie
Meet Jigsaw Jenie. This is the class jigsaw piece for our Reception class.
The children love to share their thoughts and ideas with Jigsaw Jenie. She usually needs the children's help in solving problems. Every year group has their own jigsaw piece.
- Jigsaw Jack- YR1
- Jigsaw Jo- YR2
- Jigsaw Jino- YR3
- Jigsaw Jaz -YR4
- Jigsaw Jez- YR5
- Jigsaw Jem- YR6
Calm me time
Every jigsaw lesson starts with calm me time. This is a great way to help children learn calming techniques so they are relaxed and ready to listen. Children can use these techniques to help them relax in their own busy days. The chime bar works really well to start the calm me time. We then practice breathing exercises, relaxing our bodies and finding our relaxing, happy places.
Further Information
Please find our termly overview below: