The Stockwell Approach
Our approach to learning music is as follows:
Listen - Children listen to different styles of music throughout their music curriculum journey. They answer a variety of questions to really make them think and appreciate the music they hear
Compose - Children regularly compose their own music in their weekly sessions
Improvise - Children learn to improvise music on a regular basis during music sessions.
Perform - The children perform a part of their piece of music at the end of each session. At the end of each unit, children perform the full piece of music
Wider Opportunities
We are lucky to have Mrs Hunt from the music service, who comes into school on a weekly basis. She teaches the Year 3 children how to play the samba with bass drums and other handheld instruments. She also teaches the year 4 children how to play the glockenspiels.
Rock Steady
We are fortunate enough to have our band leader Marc, from Rock Steady, who comes into Stockwell each week. We currently have 4 bands that practise playing on a weekly basis. They perform termly concerts too!
For more information about signing your child up to Rock Steady sessions, please see the attachment below.
In our weekly music lessons, we follow the music scheme from the Charanga website. Children cover all areas of the music curriculum throughout their music journey.
Further Information
Please find our long term plan below: