KS2 - Years 3 & 4
Welcome to Year 3
Year 3 - Miss Cruickshank (3C)
Year 3 - Miss Johnson (3J)
We hope everyone has had an amazing summer holidays, we can't wait to see all of the children back at school and hear all of their stories from the summer! We have lots of fun things to cover this half term. In History, we will be looking back in time and learning all about the Romans. We will be learning about skeletons and muscles in animals including humans during our science lessons and we will learn all about the artwork of Paul Klee during our Art lessons. We look forward to showing our our artwork inspired by Paul Klee later on in the half term.
Meet the Team
Year 3 have a fantastic team of staff working with the children to help support them in their progress.
- Miss Cruickshank
- Miss Johnson
- Mrs Christmas
Boom Reader App
We ask that every child reads at least 3 times a week. Children need to bring in their books daily and they will be changed weekly. I ask that all parents have access to the Boom Reader App and log their childrens' reads at least 3 times a week. If any one has problems downloading or accessing the app - please contact me and I can go through this with you.
For more details, please click on the below link:
Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Children MUST come to school in their PE kit - a white top and black bottoms. Children with long hair must have it tied up and jewellery must not be worn on PE days.
Year 3 Further Information
Please find further information below:
Year 3 curriculum overview Autumn
download_for_offlineYear 3 curriculum overview Autumn
Welcome to Year 4
Year 4 - Mr Williams (4AW)
Year 4 - Mrs Gibson (4NG)
We hope you have all had a fabulous summer holidays and we can not wait to hear all about them. We have lots of fun things to cover this half term. We will be looking at Sound in Science, David Hockney in Art, Place Value in Maths, Mayan in History and many more interesting topics.
Meet the Team
- Mrs Gibson - class teacher and LKS2 Phase Leader
- Mr Williams - class teacher
- Mrs Bannister - PPA Cover
- Miss Gray - ASA
Spellings & Homework
Spelling homework will be sent home every Wednesday, the children will be given one week to learn the spellings. We will then do a Spelling test on a Wednesday. We will also be sending multiplication homework with the children on a Wednesday, this is to prepare the children for the Year 4 National Time stables Test in the Summer Term.
Boom Reader App
We ask that every child reads at least 3 times a week. Children need to bring in their books daily and they will be changed weekly. I ask that all parents have access to the Boom Reader App and log their childrens' reads at least 3 times a week. If any one has problems downloading or accessing the app - please contact me and I can go through this with you.
ALL children MUST come to school in their kit (white T-Shirt and black shorts/leggings or joggers.) Children with long hair are expected to have it tied back and NO jewellery to be worn. PE will be every Friday. Please make sure children bring in a hat and water bottle for sunny weather.
Year 4 - Further Information
For further information, please see below: