KS1 - Years 1 & 2
Welcome to Year 1
Year 1 - Mrs Wright (1JW)
Meet the Team
Teacher and Phase Leader - Mrs J Wright
ASA - Miss Naylor
PPA cover (Friday) - Mrs Neill
We are so excited to have welcome your children and yourselves back to Stockwell Academy!
The children have loved being back together after the summer holidays and have enjoyed playing and being back as part of our school community. Miss Naylor and I are so proud of how well they have already settled in and already getting used to the routines of Year 1.
We have an exciting year planned with lots of topics to explore across the year.
This is the beginning of out National Curriculum journey together. We have lots to cover and I and I am really looking forward to the the experience, and progress I'm sure all children will make this year.
Seesaw is the online platform which we use to share learning. It is also one of the main ways you can contact your 1JW team. I check seesaw regularly and aim to reply the same day to messages left.
To login in, please you the link below
Reading and Homework
Reading is something we are extremely passionate about at Stockwell Academy.
Your homework in Year 1 begins with reading at home. Please ensure you read regularly with your child. We expect at least 3 times per week. This year we are recording the reading done in school and at home on Boom Reader.
There will be opportunities to gain points and prizes across the year too, so it is very exciting. Reading is truly the most important way you can support your child at home.
For more details, please click on the below link:
We have PE every Tuesday and Thursday. Children are to come to school in their PE kit.
There is an expectation that children stick to the school PE kit list.
- White top
- Black shorts/tracksuit
- Trainers
Children with long hair must have it tied back, and no jewellery should be worn.
Year 1 - Miss Smith (1S)
Meet the Team
We have a fantastic team working in Year 1 to help your child succeed,
Miss Smith
Mrs Wright
Miss Jackson
Miss Naylor
Mrs Neill
Seesaw is the online platform which we use to share learning. It is also one of the main ways you can contact your 1S team. I check seesaw regularly and aim to reply the same day to messages left.
To login in, please you the link below
Reading and Homework
Reading is something we are extremely passionate about at Stockwell Academy.
Your homework in Year 1 begins with reading at home. Please ensure you read regularly with your child. We expect at least 3 times per week. This year we are recording the reading done in school and at home on Boom Reader.
There will be opportunities to gain points and prizes across the year too, so it is very exciting. Reading is truly the most important way you can support your child at home.
For more details, please click on the below link:
We have PE every Tuesday and Thursday. Children are to come to school in their PE kit.
There is an expectation that children stick to the school PE kit list.
- White top
- Black shorts/tracksuit
- Trainers
Children with long hair must have it tied back, and no jewellery should be worn.
Year 1 - Further Information
Year 1 Autumn Curriculum
download_for_offlineYear 1 Autumn Curriculum
Welcome to Year 2
Year 2 - Mrs Fisher & Mrs Standring (2FS)
Meet the Team
Mrs Fisher and Mrs Standring both teach in 2FS. Mrs Fisher teaches on a Monday & a Tuesday. Mrs Standring teaches on a Wednesday, a Thursday & a Friday. We are lucky to have Mrs Eggleton in our classroom to help support the children’s learning.
We are so pleased with how the children have settled into year 2 and we are looking forward to a fun-filled year.
Seesaw is the online platform which we use to share learning. We ask that all parents have seesaw connected for this school year, we use seesaw to pass on important messages, share class updates, we also share photos of the children and showcase their amazing work!
See Saw
PE will be every Monday & Friday - ALL children MUST come to school in their PE kit on these days (white T-Shirt and black shorts/leggings or joggers). Children with long hair are expected to have it tied back. Earrings need to be covered or removed on these days.
Reading and Homework
Please remember the value we place on reading and encourage your child to read at home. Please continue to use BoomReader to log your children's home reading. Books will be changed every Friday
For more details, please click on the below link:
Year 2 - Mrs Grainger
Meet the Team
Hello. I'm Mrs Grainger. I work 5 days a week in Year 2 and have spent my teaching career teaching across Years 1 and 2. I am very much looking forward to our exciting year ahead and delivering the wonderful curriculum we have planned for the children.
We are very lucky to have Mrs Eggleton and Mrs Neil working with us to support across the Year 2 classrooms.
Seesaw is the online platform which we use to share learning. We ask that all parents have seesaw connected for this school year, we use seesaw to pass on important messages, share class updates, we also share photos of the children and showcase their amazing work!
Reading & Homework
Please remember the value we place on reading and encourage your child to read at home. This year we are continuing to use 'Boom Reader' and parents/ carers can log their daily reads. We ask that parents read and log a minimum 3 times a week on Boom Reader.
Reading is one of our top priorities at Stockwell and therefore we ask parents to support us in using the logging system. Reading reward systems are in place and we are excited to share this with you this year so that you can engage in the enjoyment of reading at home with your child.
PE will be every Monday & Friday - ALL children MUST come to school in their PE kit on these days (white T-Shirt and black shorts/leggings or joggers). Children with long hair are expected to have it tied back. Earrings need to be covered or removed on these days.
Further Information
Year 2 Autumn Curriculum
download_for_offlineYear 2 Autumn Curriculum
Year 2 Autumn Curriculum