Stockwell Academy

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust




  • The Stockwell History curriculum has been designed so that all learners have the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life. We aim to provide all the necessary tools for future learning and employment our children may require. Our learners in Key stage 1 & 2 study the National Curriculum (2014) as a basic entitlement, but our History offer provides knowledge and enrichment beyond this. In EYFS we use the Educational Programmes (2021) to build our curriculum with guidance from Development Matters and Birth to 5.

    To ensure that pupils develop a secure sequential knowledge, our history curriculum is organised into a progression model that outlines the knowledge, skills and vocabulary to be taught in a coherent way. This begins in EYFS with the children understanding the concept of past and present through child-initiated and adult-led learning.  Once children begin in KS1 and KS2 historical learning is based around six key concepts: Community, Trade, ideas and communication, Invasion, migration and settlement, Power, government, monarchy and religion, Democracy and conflict, Civilisation.

    These concepts are mapped out to ensure that pupils build on secure prior learning within each unit. When covering each of these concepts, the content is organised by year group through a long-term plan. History is delivered through subject specific teaching organised into blocks. Meaningful links with other subjects are constantly made to strengthen connections and allow deeper exploration and understanding for pupils.

Stockwell Approach to Teaching 

 Our curriculum units are paced following a chronological sequence to ensure that pupils build on their knowledge and understanding and can draw connections to gain secure historical perspective. Units of learning have been chosen to build sequentially increasing knowledge of historical events and sense of how events have led to where we are now. For example, learning in KS1 begins with securing a strong understanding of recent history, including changes in their immediate family's lifetime, and then beyond this studying history through the lives of significant events and people.  In KS2 learning builds prior knowledge through the study of British history in a chronological order, for example children need to have knowledge of the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain prior to learning about Anglo-Saxon settlement. Once children have a strong grounding in British history children learn about European and World civilisations, learning about events and legacy in similar chronological timeframes. Learning within KS2 culminates in further developing children’s knowledge of the historic significance of their own locality in both British and World events. This helps to foster pride and purpose in all of our pupils; preparing them for the world in which they will live. We are fortunate enough to be located in and around the city of Hull, which brings with it a wealth of cultural opportunities. We make sure we cover local History and relate this to our community, such as The Triple Trawler disaster. Stockwell is committed to giving all of our pupils every equal opportunity in all aspects of school life.  Our aim is to offer an inclusive curriculum that is relevant and adapted to the needs and abilities of all pupils.  We ensure inclusive opportunities for raising self-esteem and celebrating success so that all learners can reach their true full potential.

Further Information 


history progression documents.pdf



history long term plan 2024 25.pdf


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